woman in black shirt and gray pants sitting on brown wooden bench

Top 10 Mindfulness Retreats For Anxiety in the UK

Mindfulness retreats for anxiety in the UK can be a great way to reconnect with yourself and find some inner peace.

There are tons of fantastic retreats in the UK in various locations, all providing unique and meaningful programs.

Here are some of my favourites from across the country, for you to go and reconnect with yourself, learn mindfulness skills and fine some space to relax.

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own.

6 Day Meditation Retreat in Tintagel Cornwall

brown seashore rocks during daytime best mindfulness retreats for anxiety in the UK

This magical retreat is one of the best mindfulness retreats for anxiety in the UK.

You will have the opportunity to engage in morning and evening visits, as well as meditation sessions during each visit, both indoors and outdoors.

These excursions will encompass St Nectan’s Glen, Tintagel Town, Merlin’s Cave, Tintagel Castle (managed by English Heritage), and you’ll also have the chance to enjoy the local beaches and take mindful walks, weather permitting.

Just like our other retreats at The Natural Health Sanctuary, you’ll be sharing a house with a maximum of six women.

During your five-night stay, your itinerary will feature enchanting trips to these stunning locations, complete with guided meditation sessions and leisure time for exploration.

Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy luxurious mornings in bed and free time to spend with your closest friends.


  • Meditation Sessions
  • Visits to local English Heritage sites
  • Beach walks
  • BBQ on site
  • Natural face masks
  • Free time in town
  • Food included

5 Day Silent Retreat in Glastonbury, Somerset

green leafed trees at daytime

This retreat is tailored for individuals seeking a dedicated period of introspection at one of the best mindfulness retreats for anxiety. It offers you a chance to delve deeper into your personal journey of self-healing and cleansing, free from external diversions.

It provides an opportunity to direct your concentration inward, connecting with the wellspring of your inner essence and innate wisdom.

This process can facilitate the emergence of newfound clarity and profound insights, enabling you to purify, empower, and break free from self-imposed limitations and habitual behaviors.


  • Daily yoga
  • Silent group sittings
  • Free journalling time
  • Therapeutic treatments
  • Food provided.
  • Cleansing diet of protein shakes, juice, and soup

3 Day Treehouse Meditation Retreat in Norfolk

best mindfulness retreats for anxiety in the UK brown wooden house in the middle of green trees

Experience an enchanting retreat in a unique and stylish treehouse! Your days will be filled with meditative sessions in the morning, evening, and even amidst the serene natural surroundings, both indoors and outdoors.

During your leisure hours, you’ll have the opportunity to revel in an eco-paradise sprawled across expansive private grounds, offering a plethora of delightful activities.

These include invigorating river swims, leisurely rowboat excursions, and, during the summer months, refreshing dips in the heated pool. Or simply unwind in the comfort of your delightful treehouse accommodation.

Whether you arrive with your closest friends or make new connections, it promises to be a memorable experience at one of the best mindfulness retreats for anxiety in the UK.


  • 6 guided meditations
  • £50 worth of aromatherapy tools
  • Oracle card readings
  • Mindful walks
  • Firepit meditations
  • Free swimming

7 Day Silent Retreat in Lake District

green mountains beside body of water under blue and white sunny cloudy sky during daytime

Nestled in a serene and remote setting, this retreat provides a genuine respite from the fast-paced demands of contemporary living.

Located out in the beautiful area of the Lake District, this is the perfect getaway to reconnect with yourself and attend one of the best mindfulness retreats for anxiety in the UK.

The program encompasses a variety of activities such as yoga, meditation, and guided nature walks, all designed to assist participants in decompressing, rejuvenating, forging a deeper connection with the natural world, and achieving inner tranquility, leading up to moments of profound silence.


  • Stay in a cabin or yurt
  • Daily yoga
  • Guided meditations
  • Mindful walks in the stunning local area
  • Check-in clinic for specific guidance
  • Sharing circle

4 Day Women’s/Couples Retreat in Bournemouth

best mindfulness retreats for anxiety in the UK photo of seashore during daytime

This weekend provides attendees with the opportunity to reconnect with themselves.

It’s an opportunity for you to explore your current state and discover how embracing mindfulness can enhance your overall well-being.

This is not about quick fixes or tricks; it’s about genuine learning and comprehension of this mindful approach to life.

Beyond this weekend, you’ll be empowered to integrate these mindfulness techniques into every facet of your daily existence.


  • 3 meditation classes a day
  • 3 days of personal coaching
  • Free time on the seafront
  • Reflection time each day
  • Open kitchen facilities
  • Expert guidance and teaching

3 Day Mindfulness Retreat in Scotland

landscape photo of castle on top of mountain peak

Mindfulness is a holistic approach that combines the power of the mind and body to assist individuals in navigating their thoughts, emotions, and mental health.

During your stay, you’ll have the option of either a private room or sharing a twin room with a friend or fellow participant at the serene Toadhall Bed & Breakfast.

Nestled in an enchanting setting, Toadhall is the perfect backdrop for your retreat. It boasts a tranquil ambiance free from bustling traffic and offers awe-inspiring views of the surrounding landscape.

You’ll have the opportunity to embark on captivating clifftop walks leading to beaches, caves, natural rock formations, and serene havens for mindful movement.


  • Candlelit meditations
  • Extended mindfulness workshops
  • Breaks for lunch/refreshments
  • Vegetarian cuisine
  • Course workbook
  • Scenic location

3 day Ayurveda, Yoga and Mindfulness Retreat in Hereford

best mindfulness retreats for anxiety in the UK black horse on brown field during daytime

This retreat is meticulously crafted to assist you in rediscovering harmony, establishing a profound connection with your inner self, and enhancing your overall well-being by drawing upon the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda.

The program adopts a thorough and all-encompassing approach to Ayurveda, yoga, and meditation.

Here, you will receive the resources, expert guidance, and unwavering support essential for comprehending your unique mind-body constitution, nurturing equilibrium, and uncovering inner serenity.


  • Two daily yoga classes
  • Two daily meditations
  • Specialised workshops
  • Cookery classes
  • Mindful gardening and walks
  • Breathwork
  • Free leisure time

3 Day New Year Mindfulness Detox in Buckinghamshire

a wooden fence in a grassy field with a tree in the background

Commence the new year with a revitalized mindset and a heightened self-awareness.

Take a step back from the holiday season’s hustle and bustle, and immerse yourself in a transformative journey amidst the lush surroundings of a luxurious four-star countryside spa hotel in Buckinghamshire.

Picture yourself attuned to your genuine self, exuding confidence, and possessing a lucid mind.

Consider the sensation of enhancing your quality of life, well-being, work-life balance, and relationships on your own terms.


  • Meditation and mindfulness classes
  • Private coaching
  • Mindful walks
  • Group discussions
  • Indoor pool and gym
  • Optional spa treatments

3 Day Walking and Mindfulness Retreat in Lake District

brown wooden road signage best mindfulness retreats for anxiety in the UK

Nestled in a serene and tranquil environment, Brathay Hall offers an ideal retreat for those seeking a rejuvenating and profoundly restorative escape from the daily grind.

The hall is situated amidst 360 acres of pristine land, woodlands, and natural splendor, leading down to the shores of Lake Windermere.

Here, you can savor awe-inspiring vistas, whether gazing over the sprawling grounds and lake, amidst the enchanting woods, or toward the majestic fells that serve as a captivating backdrop to the charming town of Ambleside.

During your leisure moments, you can unwind in the grand hall, embark on leisurely walks, relish seasonal culinary delights, or simply relax in the yoga spaces and cozy lounging areas.

Engage in yoga sessions held both indoors and outdoors, whether beneath the warm embrace of the sun or beneath the refreshing shade of lush trees.


  • Daily yoga and meditation sessions
  • Hike to Rydal Caves and Grasmere Lake
  • Woodfired sauna visit
  • Vegetarian/vegan meals
  • Wild swimming
  • Breathtaking views

3 Day Mindfulness and Yoga Retreat in County Fermanagh

brown grass on water best mindfulness retreats for anxiety in the UK

In this serene and picturesque corner of Northern Ireland, you’ll have the opportunity to not only relax and rejuvenate but also acquire valuable techniques for leading a calmer and more resilient life.

This tranquil haven provides the perfect backdrop for introspection and self-discovery.

During your stay, you’ll delve into the depths of self-awareness, gaining a clearer understanding of yourself and unlocking pathways to enhance your overall well-being.

It’s an invitation to embark on a transformative journey towards a more balanced and harmonious existence.


  • Yoga sessions
  • Mindfulness practice
  • Daily meals and herbal teas
  • Beautiful forest walk
  • Boat trip to the island temple
  • Mindfulness walks
  • Music work

Frequently Asked Questions

What can you do at a mindfulness retreat UK?

At a mindfulness retreat in the UK, you will be able to engage in mindfulness meditation and yoga. You will also eat a cleansing diet, reconnect with nature, and learn to be present with yourself and your surroundings.

What is a holistic retreat?

A holistic retreat is a retreat that uses many different activities to improve overall wellness. You may go for mindfulness walks, engage in journalling and reconnect with nature, amongst other healing activities.

Where can I learn more about mindfulness meditation?

Going to a mindfulness retreat is a perfect way to learn more about mindfulness meditation. Here you will learn how deep the use of the skills can go and bring all that knowledge back with you. If you want to know more before you go, there are lots of apps that can help you practice mindfulness.

Is there such thing as anxiety retreat?

There are specific rehabilitation centers that focus on treating anxiety specifically. If you have an anxiety disorder, these centers will be better equipped to deal with any disordered behaviors you may exhibit. However, holistic retreats are perfect for anyone who wants to improve their overall anxiety and stress levels.

Time to get yourself to a mindfulness retreat for anxiety in the UK…

person in blue shorts sitting on beach shore during daytime

As you can see, there are so many things that make these mindfulness retreats some of the best mindfulness retreats for anxiety in the UK. They are often held in beautiful locations and involve many activities.

These retreats and a wonderful opportunity to learn skills, therapeutic techniques and methods in order to take care of yourself.

Many feel these experiences are nothing short of magical and that they come back from them with a new outlook on life.

So, why not get yourself down to a mindfulness retreat for anxiety in the UK this year? You never know, it could be the start of the rest of your life.

If you want to discover more retreats that are focused on yoga, then check out my post on Yoga Retreats in the UK here.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope to see you back here again soon.

Ta-ta for now! x

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